Water Softeners Compared

Another Fleck product that uses meter regeneration, combined with the Fleck 5600SXT digital controller, and the 5600SXT valve, it gives the same great features the Fleck 5600 has, from user friendly LCD display, internal power backup, and touchpad controls. it can handle up to 16 GPM, it comes with 10-year warranty and a 30-day money back guarantee, and the tank comes with 5-year warranty.

Morton Salt Company Water Softener: Check The Price on Amazon

Morton Salt MDS34C has a lot of space, with a compact design, equipped with the “Look Ahead” technology that learns your water usage for the 34,000 grain demand Initiated regeneration, and it can handle 110 GPG. it has a 1-year warranty on parts, and 10-year warranty on tanks, and a good support for technical issues.water softener systems

Aquasana EQ-SS20 Water Softener: Check The Price on Amazon

Aquasana EQ-SS20 is an eco-friendly cheap and salt-free water softening system, it has the PHOS conditioning technology system, it protects the plumbing fixtures from rustiness, and one of the best water softening systems out there.SLOW PHOS technology works by modifying the ions of the hard mineral carbonate crystals inside the hard water, by playing with their ions, hard minerals causing scale, will no longer pack together, which eliminates the hard water, EQ-SS20 salt-free water softener has 1-year limited warranty.

Eddy Electronic Water Descaler: Check The Price on Amazon

Eddy is a cheap, affordable, eco-friendly, electronic based water softener, that uses magnetic waves to soften the water, which is a good solution for people on budget however, it is not as effective and powerful as salt based water softeners.It is easy to install, and it doesn’t need any maintenance at all, and best of all it is cheap compared with other softening solutions.

Best Water Softeners Comparison:
Name Grains Dimensions Type Price
Fleck 5600SXT 48000 10 x 0.1 x 54 Salt Based $$$$
Watts RV PRO-1000 10000 21 x 9.5 x 9 Salt Based $
Aquios FS-220 40000 27 x 10 x 8 Salt Free $$$
Nuvo DPMB 65000 8 x 8 x 29 Salt Free $$$$
WaterBoss 220 22000 18.8 x 14.8 x 25.8 Salt Based $$$$
Iron Pro 2 64000 12 D x 48H Salt Based $$$$
Morton Salt Company 34000 18.2 x 13.2 x 48 Salt Based $$$$
Aquasana EQ-SS20
50000 14 x 5 x 23 Salt Free $$
Eddy Electronic – 6.7 x 1.6 x 3.5 Magnetic System $

$ less than 200$
$$ less than 300$
$$$ less than 500$
$$$$ less than​ 600$

Types of Water Softener Systems:
Salt Based Systems:
This type of softening systems uses ions to exchange the hard water with soft water and the ions for the soft water are sodium (salt), and it is considered to be the best softening system in the market without an opponent.

Salt-Free Systems:
This type of water softeners uses all kind of nanotechnology to play with hard water and decrease it hardness although it’s not as effective as salt-based systems but it can work very well if your water is not extremely hard.

Magnetic Systems:
Inexpensive easy to install systems yet it is considered to be the least effective way of softening water, it uses magnetic wires to alter and play with the structure of the hard water to make it soft, if you have mid to low hard water then this solution might be for you.

Choosing the Best Water Softener:
Warranty and support:

One of the most important thing when choosing a water softener is the warranty that comes with it, the longer the warranty is the better, and the hassle free it will be for you, some companies offer 10-year warranty, some offers 20-year, some offers a lifetime one, bottom line you should never forget about warranty.clean - fresh water

Portable Vs Standard:
If you need a portable solution to take with you, wherever you go then, portable (also known as RV water softeners), are the one you should choose. Portable water softeners can be taken whenever you go with you, they are, small, they are lite, and cheap, compared to standard water softeners.If you have an RV, or you are an RV full-timer, or you have a vacation boat, or you are a workshop owner, then this solution is definitely for you.

Time Controlled Vs Volume Controlled:
Time controlled water softener regenerates in pre-setup times, for example (every 1 or 2 days), which may regenerate before the resin is exhausted, which is wasteful, on the other hand, volume-controlled water softeners regenerate the resins when they measure how much hard water is there, and they start the regeneration process once the resin beads are exhausted.

Electric or Non-Electric:
Electric water softeners are the most used one, they help to keep you on track of the water usage, which can be very helpful in the long run, true it’s more expensive than non-electric softeners which depend on the pressure of the water to operate the valves, but it’s totally worth the investment.

Single Vs Twin Tank:
Some people prefer to use single tank softeners some like to use twin one, but here are the differences between them:


Cheaper than twin
More expensive than single

Smaller and takes less space
Demands more space

Good efficiency
Higher efficiency with less salt consumption

Quality water softening
Even more quality water softening

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